If you manage client accounts, internal or external, you know that dealing with their revisions is a necessary part of the job. However, when you start getting too many revisions, it can be frustrating and time-consuming, which can negatively impact your workflow.

On average, a client might request 3-5 revisions—but some clients can request many more, making handling them all a challenge. This blog will explore solutions to help you manage excessive client revisions and streamline your workflow.

What are the challenges teams face with constant client revisions?  

  • Time management: Continuous revisions can cause delays in project timelines, resulting in scheduling conflicts and missed delivery dates.

  • Scope creep: Frequent revisions can cause the project scope to expand beyond the original agreement, leading to added complexity and costs.

  • Communication breakdown: Misunderstandings and miscommunication can occur between the team and the client, leading to rework and delays.

  • Burnout: Continuous revisions can result in burnout for the team, as they may need to work long hours or put other projects on hold to keep up with the client's requests.

  • Quality control: Continuous revisions can impact the quality of the work, as the team may feel rushed to implement changes without thoroughly testing them.


To address these challenges, teams must maintain open and honest communication with the client, establish clear expectations and boundaries, and prioritize tasks to manage their workload effectively.

How to manage the workload of a demanding client  

Set clear expectations with the client

Establishing clear expectations with the client is critical when managing a workload with exhausting client revisions.

Discuss the number and frequency of modifications they can request at the project's outset. This can help prevent scope creep and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Regular communication with the client is also essential to maintain transparency and avoid misunderstandings.

Establish a process for changes

A process for changes can help the team manage the workload more effectively. This process should include a system for tracking and prioritizing changes, such as a workflow management tool.

Establishing a clear workflow for implementing changes is crucial, including review and approval processes. By having a well-defined change management process, the team can better manage their workload and ensure that revisions are implemented in an organized and efficient manner.

Communicate regularly with the client

Communication is critical when dealing with constant revisions. Regular communication with the client can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure everyone is on the same page.

You can use a workflow management tool to inform the client of progress and potential issues, which can help build trust and prevent problems from escalating.

Prioritize tasks

Prioritizing tasks is crucial when dealing with exhausting client revisions. Use a workflow management tool to identify essential tasks and prioritize them accordingly.

This can help prevent delays and ensure that the team focuses on the project's most critical parts. It's also important to review it regularly and update priorities as the project progresses.

Use a workflow management tool

A workflow management tool can help the team manage their workload more effectively when facing excessive client revisions.

The tool can help the team stay organized and on top of their workload and provide a centralized location for tracking progress and managing tasks.

A workflow management tool can also help the team streamline their workflow and ensure they're working efficiently. If you're on the hunt for a good one, here are 10 features every workflow management tool must have!

Take breaks and practice self-care

Finally, team members must take breaks and practice self-care to prevent burnout. Encourage team members to take regular breaks, practice stress-reducing activities like mindfulness or exercise, and prioritize their overall well-being.

By taking care of themselves, team members can better manage their workload and maintain a high level of work quality.

How can a workflow management tool make the revision process easier?  

A workflow management tool can be a game-changer when managing revisions. It helps the team stay organized and on top of their workload by providing a centralized location for tracking progress and managing revision-related tasks.

With a workflow management tool, the team can create jobs, assign them to specific team members, set deadlines, and track the progress of the tasks. This helps to keep everyone accountable and ensures that revisions are being addressed promptly and efficiently.

The tool also allows clear communication with the client by providing a platform for sharing updates and receiving feedback. The team can help prevent misunderstandings and build trust by keeping the client informed of progress.

Additionally, the tool can help prioritize tasks related to revisions, allowing the team to focus on the most critical parts of the project. If you're wondering how to find the right workflow management tool, here's your answer!

Managing exhausting client revisions requires clear communication, a well-defined change management process, and effective workload management. Teams can maintain productivity and avoid burnout by prioritizing tasks, using a workflow management tool, and taking breaks.

The revision process can become more manageable with the right strategies, leading to successful project outcomes and satisfied clients. So, let's embrace the power of workflow management tools and streamline our revision process today!





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