
Name for extension

A strong name can help you attract and connect with users scrolling across the marketplace. It can create buzz, help recall easily, and also encourage referrals to other peers while using Qntrl.

Keep the name more relatable in terms of what it performs, and where it functions. An extension name helps you across many key communication and marketing goals.

Be sure to provide an apt and correct name before you submit/publish the extension. Keep the key information within the first 25-30 characters for the extension name.

In the above example, the extension name cuts off at 25 characters and does not convey much information about the integration to the users.

Recommended naming approach for extensions
"[Your Product] for Qntrl"

"Your Product" - WRONGEmail
"Your Product" for "Qntrl" - RIGHTEmail for Qntrl

Tagline for extension

A tagline is the key phrase that identifies the purpose of the extension. The process of creating a tagline can be as simple as a one-sentence summary of what the extension can do.

The tagline appears on the listing page, and also while hovering over a search result. Keep the keywords relevant within first 125 characters so it does not cut off in the search results display page.

Description for extension


To capture the attention of the potential users in Qntrl, the first paragraph must convey how the extension can positively impact the usage in Qntrl. Convey the value proposition in the first few lines.

  • Describe why any business requires your extension to work with Qntrl.

  • Explain how to solve the pain points or offer them more convenience.

Key features

Keep up to 3-4 bullet points in this section. Convey the core of the extension's functionality and how it will help in Qntrl.

Another paragraph

In the second paragraph, you could explain who the extension is targeted for. Speak directly about the problems it'll be solving for business, team, or workplace while working in Qntrl.

Identify some of the prominent challenges, and explain how your extension solves them. You could avoid information that provides company history and secondary features.

Visual assets

The Logo appears on a white circular background on your listing page.
Dimension - 180 x 180 (maximum file size: 1 MB)
Format - gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png

Tile is displayed to users in the listing page while searching in the Qntrl Marketplace homepage.
Dimension - 740 X 340 (maximum file size 2 MB)
Format - .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png

Demo video

A demo video helps users quickly navigate the usage and grasp the solution you provide in the extension. Don't forget to include a call to action at the end of the video (to install your extension).

There is no limit on the file size of demo video. Share the link in the body of the listing.

Graphics or screenshots

Keep it attractive and informative. Add screenshots showing in-app action while overlaying text and magnifying images to showcase key features or UX design elements.

File size can be up to 1 MB.


  • Avoid using technical industry jargon as much as possible.

  • Avoid using abbreviations.

  • Stick to the more commonly used keywords for better reach when the users search in Qntrl Marketplace.

Adding categories & tags


Select categories that suit your extension.

For example, if you have a sales extension, you can choose sales as a primary category and customer service as a secondary category.


Each tag can contain two words or less. This helps users search for relevant extensions necessary for their business while they work in Qntrl. The tags you choose for your extension will be listed after the Key Features section.

Example: If your extension has e-signature, notification, and bookkeeping capabilities, you can add all of these keywords as tags to make sure your extension shows up every time someone is searching for these keywords or clicking on these tags.


Any potential user would most probably check the rating and review section before installing the extension in Qntrl. This shows a sign of trust, quality and user-friendliness, a user may have before installing the extension. Invite your customers and users to try your extension and write a review.


Add integration-relevant content in the form of user guides and FAQs under the Resources section of your listing.
Fill the company profile details wisely as it tends to influence the decision to use an extension.
Do not forget to provide correct company details and logo in your vendor profile.