Ticket management is among the most important processes in a company: these tickets with customers' demands enable organizations to offer more efficient support, which leads to a better experience.

Without good ticket management, companies may take a long time to take care of customer requests and, consequently, not respond to requests, questions, problems, or complaints in a timely manner. This generates a negative customer experience, directly impacting the organization's results.

But how do you manage tickets? How do you organize all the requests that, nowadays, arise through the company's many communication channels, such as telephone, email, applications, social networks, and web forms?

In this article, we check out why ticket management is so important for businesses—and how to organize requests in one place to optimize customer support from ticket to service completion.

What is ticket management?  

Ticket management can be defined as a process for creating, organizing, prioritizing, and resolving customer requests. Thus, the company receives customer information from several different communication channels and converts it into a task attribution to the responsible employee, whether manually or automatically.

With relevant information related to each demand, such as the customer's name, interactions with the company, request details, and attached files, for example, tickets contain important data so that support or customer service teams can track and resolve problems.

Ticket management also helps monitor orders and deliveries to check whether customer claims are met without any hassle. So a basic ticket management system follows a very simple workflow:

  1. The process begins with customer service, which generates a ticket based on a customer's demand. In this interaction, relevant information is included to help solve a problem or request.

  1. After that, the ticket is assigned to the support team or customer service team.

  1. The ticket assignee will work to sort out the customer's complaint, sharing information and updates with them.

  1. When the query is resolved, the ticket can be closed or reopened if closer follow-up is needed (or in case there are other questions and complaints).

When this process is carried out manually, with the insertion of data into spreadsheets, there is poor visibility of customer information. This shortcoming made businesses realize the importance of technological solutions to optimize ticket management.

Platforms like Qntrl, for example, help streamline ticket management for greater control and monitoring of tickets.

Why is ticket management so important?  

In the day-to-day lives of companies, ticket management plays a fundamental role in ensuring that organizations offer quality customer support and services. After all, through this system, it’s possible to organize, track, communicate, and gather important data to improve companies' products and services.

In addition to improving communication and collaboration between teams, ticket management is important because it promotes:

  • Organization: It helps the company to segment and keep all records and requests organized, preventing them from getting lost or not being properly resolved.
  • Prioritization: This way, tickets can be organized and prioritized based on the urgency, importance, or complexity of each request.
  • Trackability: Historical data for each ticket is relevant not only to understanding the context of each demand but to solving problems more simply and quickly.
  • Efficiency and productivity: Organizing and distributing tickets avoids excess work and ensures better communication and that each demand is met effectively.
  • Customer satisfaction: By meeting demands in a timely fashion, the company can improve customer experience with the brand, increasing customer satisfaction.

Ticket management: How to do it  

To manage tickets in your company, pay attention to some fundamental steps:

Organize your workflow  

Managing service tickets can be a complex process, depending on your organization's size. Therefore, digital workflow resources help, especially in outlining the processes and making sure that the right person receives the customer demand that needs to be met.

Organized workflows show customers that your company has professional and reliable services to meet each person's needs in a personalized way.

Learn how to segment tickets intelligently  

There are several ways to segment tickets to provide customer services, from selection by location to demands focused on the kind of problem. Segmenting tickets means directing each request to a specific person who can resolve it best.

Each company is different (and so are customer demands), but in general terms, ticket segmentation can be done based on a priority strategy or a classification system. For example, you can classify tickets by technical failures, late deliveries or failed payments, and response time.

Personalize customer service  

Among the main benefits of ticket management is the standardization and personalization of services.

Standardization is linked to practices to resolve specific situations consistently—which is essential to avoid conflicting information. This is important for gaining customer trust and maintaining the company's good reputation.

Personalization, on the other hand, places the customer at the center of the operation: with the history and information at hand, it’s possible to know their preferences and behaviors, making the service even more personalized.

Use tools to gather requests in one place  

Your company's tickets can come from all of your communication channels, which is why you need to use tools to get tickets together in one place. A system with a friendly user experience, such as Qntrl, facilitates this process, streamlining customer service for each request.

A ticket management tool also offers relevant metrics, with indicators that show failures and successes, number of tickets answered, and late tickets, among others. This way, you can think of strategies to improve the service and identify the most common customer problems and complaints.

It’s important to highlight that ticket management encourages collaboration among your organization's teams, ensuring everyone is aligned with demands and potential solutions to customer problems. All of this increases customer confidence and satisfaction with the products and services offered by your organization.

Are you already reaping the benefits of a good ticket management system at your business?


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